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Week 30| Attention Parents: How to Get Your Kids to Clean Their Bathroom

There comes a time when our children become of age to manage their own stuff. I FINALLY came to that realization not all that long ago while doing ALL the chores one Saturday morning... Why was I the one cleaning THEIR bathroom when I never use the damn thing?! Foolish.

How to Get Your Kids To Clean Their Bathroom

That's when I decided we need to tack this chore on to the list of others they do {and why you should, too!} Lord knows we won't be there forever to scrub the tub, toilet & sink and they'll move out one day and will need those skills. Can you imagine sending them off without them knowing how to clean a bathroom?! That would be SUPER embarrassing {especially if you're raising boys!!}

{TRUST ME!!!! As former landlords to college students, you CANNOT believe what kids are incapable of. When a student calls you because their light won't turn on when they turn on the switch but don't think to check the light bulb?! Or when they call to say the kitchen sink is overflowing on to the floor only for us to discover that the plug is in the sink with mounds of dirty dishes and nasty water... Hmmm, I can't begin to imagine what the problem might be?! It's a sad state of affairs - don't send your children off without basic knowledge to care for themselves and their surroundings. Really.}

The kids bathroom

When I informed our kids {ages 13 and nearly 15} that they will be taking on the task of cleaning/organizing their bathroom they immediately decided on their own that they would take turns cleaning the shower, toilet & sink, along with taking out the garbage, etc. It was much easier than I anticipated and they do a relatively decent job. The reality is, who wants to shower & get ready in a filthy bathroom?! That isn't an option in our kids' brains so when I told them I was done cleaning their bathroom for them - they were immediately on it.

The expectation is that the shower/tub, toilet & sink are cleaned once a week; garbage is emptied & taken out once a week; dirty clothes/towels are removed from the bathroom daily; bathroom sink is rinsed out after tooth brushing, etc. {I mean is there anything worse than a big glob of toothpaste in the sink??}; bathroom counter is straightened up daily; sweep once a week; and toilet paper is replaced as depleted. {I take care of the steam mopping}

{If your kids are still too young to handle cleaning the bathroom on their own, have them help you. Perhaps they still have tons of toys in the tub - have them collect them up after each use. Give them a Disinfectant Wipe to wipe the floor around the tub & toilet (yes, you can give them some rubber gloves to wear for the task). Little jobs to get them use to helping and for taking over the entire job once they are able.}

To make the task simple - provide them with all the tools {to be stored in their bathroom or close to their bathroom - accessibility to the supplies is KEY}:

  • Scrub Brush

  • Toilet Brush

  • Sponge

  • Toilet Cleaner

  • Bathroom Cleaner

  • Disinfectant Wipes

  • Paper Towels

  • Windex

As the parent, you'll need to check in on their space weekly to make sure that things are taken care of. On occasion you may find you may need to add a little of your own "elbow grease" if they aren't diligent enough in their efforts OR get on them to do another round of cleaning!

Now get to it... let those kiddies know of their new found chore & enjoy scratching one off your list!!


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